Why I decided to do The Front Steps Project
In those early weeks of COVID hitting NYC, our lives changed very fast. Schools, playgrounds, restaurants and neighborhood gathering places closed and we were told to stay home and isolate. As our city became the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak, I felt both helpless and driven to be part of making things better. We have two little boys so, like all parents, I was also concerned about keeping our family safe.
Then I came across a tweet by the Obama Foundation about “The Front Steps Project”. I knew immediately this was what I was searching for. The project was a great fit with my career as a photographer / journalist / producer. I could bring joy to families with a professional portrait capturing these times together at home and they got the added satisfaction of contributing to a pandemic-related cause that touched them – all from a safe distance away to keep us all healthy.
I incorporated an interview element into my photo sessions to help shine a light on some of the positive aspects of this difficult experience. I felt my neighbors’ uplifting stories and generosity deserved to be captured and shared.
During the week, I’d race out on husband’s lunch hour but on weekends I could book 6-8 sessions a day. We’d pack our boys and snacks and take off on a family photo adventure and everyone was happy to be out.
I am forever grateful for the opportunity to join Cara Soulia, Kristen Collins and photographers across the globe in “The Front Steps Project”who have replicated the project and ultimately raised over 3.35 million for local food pantries, hospitals, and more during the pandemic. And I alone raised $17,400 for COVID related causes here in NYC. We are stronger together. ️
If you would like to book a Front Steps session please click here:
**all proceeds go to Food Bank NYC